Although there are many wonderful reasons why it's great to be a creative person, there are a few downsides.
The matter of the fact: working hard makes you tired. When people walk out of exams after writing for two hours, they're exhausted.
Now consider that writers spend up to four hours every day (on average) writing - it's like doing two English exams! Your brain is using a lot power to generate new ideas and the best word structure, your hands are tired from typing, and you've probably not moved in hours which means you're leaned over a desk slowly wrecking your back - it's not all typewriters and French villas!
There is a lot of pressure for writers to come up with the next best seller, but the truth of it is: a) it's mostly luck getting your book to the top of the charts if you're an unknown author, and b) writing takes up a lot of time - so if you're trying to pay the bills, novels aren't the way to do it!
The pressure also builds if you stop writing for a while - people think you've lost your edge and you end up writing just to please people: this is a bad idea! You should love your writing, not tolerate it.
The mind is a fragile thing. Just like any processing power - if it's abused and overworked, it will crash. And if you try an churn out seven books in a year, your brain will crash- never mind everything else you're doing! Mental stability is a common issue with creative people, because most of the time creatives are very high strung and emotional, so stuff gets to us a little bit more sometimes. Now imagine you were like that and everything was going wrong - you'd break.
Finally, Stereotyping accompanies any career, but as a writers I know people expect me to be a certain way and are almost annoyed when I'm not. They do expect a complete nerdy-looking book worm with a pixie cut, huge glasses, and someone who is probably very shy. You're not going to get that from me. I'm sociable, curvy, I have long red hair, I'm obsessed with watching movies and TV and addicted to technology. Yes, I wear glasses and a bookworm - but that really does come hand in hand with being a writer!
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